
Shades Of Black

While this story involves me and Jason getting torture a few times, it’s still a great story. Meet Kristy’s brother, Shade. 

Chapter 1

“Can you believe I’m grounded from my lighter knife for a week?” I said to Kristy. We were sitting in the small grove of trees in the back yard. I was sitting on the top of the grass cave, sharpening a tree branch with my claws. Without my lighter knife, a spear is better than nothing.

“Well, you did knife Shawn in the leg. He’s still in the hospital ya know.” Kristy said. She was looking around at the trees. I had been here a million times before when I was younger, so it’s nothing new to me.

“Do you think I care? He was asking for it.”  Kristy sat down on a tree stump with a few yellow flowers on it. The memory of me and Amy when we were only 3 years old flashed through my mind.

“Fairy princesses?” Kristy asked with a smirk on her face. I need to get better control over my thought…

“Okay, so when I was younger, I wasn’t as awesome as I am now. I could still steal government money. Could you do that when you were three? No, I didn’t think so.” I smiled and she rolled her eyes at my bragging.

“So, can I make a spear? I don’t have a lighter knife so…”

“Sure!” I said, putting down my branch. “But we need to find a good sized branch. Mine’s a bit to big so I’ll just keep it in the lab for show.”

We looked around on the ground for something that would be a good enough size. Kristy saw one, but then there was an ant on it and she freaked out. It was kinda funny. We spent, like, ten minutes looking for a branch, so I just went red eye and used my claws to rip one off a tree.

“Tree killer.” Kristy said, but she was smiling.

“Hippie.” I said, smiling.

“So wait…” She said, holding the tree branch, “What do I do?”

“Well, first ya gotta get off the leaves and smaller branches on it.” I ripped off a few and she copied me. “Then you just take you’re claw and stroke it through the wood and the bark will peel off. You just go over areas extra times to give it shape.”

She started to slice at it and I went back to my piece. She was doing surprisingly good for a beginner.

“Well, I can read in your mind how to do it, so it’s a bit easier.” She seemed a bit arrogant with her ability, but she has rights to. “Where’d you learn to do that?”

“Jason was in boy scouts when he was 8. That was actually the one year he didn’t get sent to boot camp… But that’s cuz he’s scout leader thought all his troublemaking was funny. He taught me a while ago.”

“Oh that’s cool.” Kristy said, sounding a little sad. “It  must be great to have a brother like that…”

Was she jealous of me having Jason? Ha! Sure, Jason’s great sometimes but the other half of the time, he’s drunk. And who wants to have a brother that can read your mind? Plus that fact that he knows every embarrassing thing about my life. Is she nuts?

“I’m just saying it’s nice that he looks out for you and teaches you stuff. Like when he plays that song for you on his guitar.”

I flushed red with embarrassment. She reads my mind almost as well as he does. “You have Ryan.” I said, “He’s pretty awesome.”

“Yeah, I guess…”

One comment

  1. that was very short

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